Thoughts on Illustration

Should You Work for Friends and Family?

Episode Summary

In this episode, we tackle a question many creatives grapple with: should you work for your friends (and family)? Combining personal and professional relationships can be a double-edged sword, offering both unique advantages and significant challenges. We explore both sides the debate — FOR and AGAINST working for friends — and then, I'll give you 7 tips to help set you up for success (and safety) for those times when you decide to go ahead and do it.

Episode Notes

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Have you ever been asked by a friend or family member to do some work for them? Perhaps to illustrate a "quick" birthday card for someone's boyfriend or "whip up" a little logo for their start-up coffee truck? While it seems like a no-brainer — of course you should share your creative gift — if you've ever actually gotten into it, you may have noticed it's not all fun and games.

In this episode, we tackle a question many creatives grapple with: should you work for your friends (and family)? Combining personal and professional relationships can be a double-edged sword, offering both unique advantages and significant challenges. We explore both sides the debate — FOR and AGAINST working for friends — and then, I'll give you 7 tips to help set you up for success (and safety) for those times when you decide to go ahead and do it.



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